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なら誰でも簡単にホームページが始められます。 今すぐ試してみる 簡単にホームページ作成

Trend Research

We, Trend Research, are committed to spreading innovative "design" products and attractive "ideas" from overseas to the people of Japan as a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.


Business Activities

Trend Research find innovative designs, unique ideas, and groundbreaking products from overseas, and helps to promote innovative products from around the world to Japan, based on the needs of Japanese people and information on trends in Japan.
Our goal is to spread the passion of developers and craftsmen for their products born from the cultures and technologies of countries around the world, along with innovative products, to Japan. 
We believe that we are a "bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.
We will continue to develop our business to bring smiles to everyone involved, both in Japan and overseas, while shortening the distance between Japan and other countries through our excellent products.

Trend Researchは海外発の斬新的なデザイン、ユニークなアイディア、画期的な素晴らしい製品を見つけ出し、日本人のニーズや日本の流行情報を踏まえ、世界中の革新的な製品を日本に広めていくお手伝いをしています。

Trend Research Initiatives

Bringing good products from overseas to Japan

We Import good overseas products to Japan.  We visit overseas trade fairs, negotiate directly with manufactures, and import products that have not yet been sold in Japan. Just as there are many good products in Japan, there are so many good products around the world. We will carefully select advanced and interesting products from among them and deliver them to people in Japan.
Utilizing crowdfunding


Utilizing crowdfunding
We are actively using crowdfunding, which has been getting more and more attentions in Japan. It is very effective for test marketing because of its high promotional effect. Moreover, it can also enhance the originality of the product as it is also very effective for branding and media development. 
Sales Channels


Sales channels
We are developing sales channels to reach as many people as possible through wholesale to mass retailers, collaboration with Japanese manufactures, online sales at e-Commerce websites such as Amazon and Yahoo Shopping.
Bringing good products from overseas to Japan

We Import good overseas products to Japan.  We visit overseas trade fairs, negotiate directly with manufactures, and import products that have not yet been sold in Japan. Just as there are many good products in Japan, there are so many good products around the world. We will carefully select advanced and interesting products from among them and deliver them to people in Japan.


会社名(Company Name) トレンドリサーチ Trend Research
設立(Foundation) 2019年4月(April 2020)
所在地(Address) 〒690-0015
島根県松江市上乃木6-3-76 YFビル3F
(YFBLD3F 6-13-76 Agenogi Matsue-shi Shimane 690-0015 JAPAN)
米原勝利 (Katsutoshi Yonehara)
事業内容(Business) 小売業・輸入業・販売代理業(Retail business/ Importer/ Distributor)
e-Mail katsutoshi-yonehara0201@trendresearch.pw
提携(partnership) https://yubi-ken.com/en/
会社名(Company Name) トレンドリサーチ Trend Research